A Virtual Mini Retreat for Leadership Educators
We had a wonderful gathering of about 30 leadership development professionals for a mini-retreat. We may do another one in the coming month. Here’s the intro, opening reflections, and some storytelling from Darin at our first retreat.
Leadership Educator Virtual Mini-Retreat: Reflecting On The Year and Reconnecting to Our Purpose
Join us for a collaborative leadership development mini-retreat for educators led by Darin Eich, author of Root Down and Branch Out: Best Practices for Leadership Development Programs and Innovation Step-by-Step. This will be a human-centered virtual event with the feel of a retreat, not a passive webinar. I think that’s what we all might need at the end of the year.
You’ll get the chance to hear stories, reflect, connect with others, and get re-engaged to your purpose at the end of a unique year.
This will be a 1.5 hour session where you can expect to connect in pairs and small groups as well as hear stories in the larger group.
Included in this mini-retreat:
- Practical strategies to apply the Grounded Theory of High-Quality Leadership Programs high-impact actions in virtual programs or shorter workshops
- Learn-by-Reflecting as we work in zoom breakout rooms and use powerful tools like collaborative whiteboards
- Innovative experimentation of promising new activities in the virtual mini-retreat concept
- Connecting with other awesome professionals in the leadership education space
- Access to new ideas, tools and resources during this extraordinary 2020
- And most importantly, an opportunity to reflect and reconnect with your purpose.
I’ve gained a lot from the leadership education community over the years. ? I’d like to circle back to provide something helpful so there is no fee for this event for professionals from educational institutions and non-profits. -Darin
About Darin:
Darin Eich, Ph.D. is the founder of InnovationTraining.org and UniversityWebinars.org. He is the author of Innovation Step-by-Step and Root Down and Branch Out: Best Practices for Leadership Development Programs. He specializes in designing and leading innovative leadership programs that engage people in learning and doing design thinking. He has designed programs used by over 1 million people for organizations like Oxford, NASA, & USA TODAY. He’s learned and practiced most of his leadership education craft at institutions like UW-La Crosse, William & Mary, Maryland, Dartmouth, and UW-Madison.
Email [email protected] for more information.