Welcome to the UW-Madison Office of the Vice Provost for Diversity and Climate Innovation Program! Just watch the video module and do the activity suggested. You can also download a pdf file of the slides and activity sheets below each module video. Just capture your thoughts however you like. This could be on the activity sheets, with your computer, or in an innovation journal you keep. Just proceed video by video and engage other staff and students in collaborating with you on your own innovation challenge. You can share or discuss each activity you do in a small group or in pairs…even 3 minute conversations or tweet-style quick sharing in the group can make a big difference.
Module 1: The Innovation Process
Download Module 1 Slides and Activity Sheet PDFs.
Module 2: Innovation Skills
Download Module 2 Slides and Activity Sheet PDFs.
Module 3: Your Innovation Challenge
Download Module 3 Slides and Activity Sheet PDFs.
Module 4: Innovation Questions for Idea Capture
Download Module 4 Slides and Activity Sheet PDFs.
Module 5: Structured Ideation
Download Module 5 Slides and Activity Sheet PDFs.
Module 6: Innovative Idea Generation
Download Module 6 Slides and Activity Sheet PDFs.
Module 7: Idea Analysis & Synthesis
Download Module 7 Slides and Activity Sheet PDFs.
Module 8: Concept Development
Download Module 8 Slides and Activity Sheet PDFs.
Module 9: Test and Select
Download Module 9 Slides and Activity Sheet PDFs.
Module 10: Communicate and Advance
Download Module 10 Slides and Activity Sheet PDFs.
Let’s network and keep the innovation sustaining! Connect with Darin on social media for regular tips.
Contact [email protected] if you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas for Darin on how to make this program better for you. I want to make sure you learn and develop rapidly. For this to happen everything needs to be clear so that you can do each each activity successfully.